Monthly Performance Group

WRLA’s newest


Have you ever wished there was a place you could go where you’re surrounded by industry giants, who are always looking for an edge, led by an expert in the psychology of performance, dedicated to growth and development?

Well… we are thrilled to introduce you to WRLA’s Mastermind Cohort – beginning in June a transformative opportunity designed to help leaders like you overcome industry challenges and achieve sustainable growth. With a select group of just 20 industry leaders, led by Lauren Johnson, this program promises to equip you with the strategies and support needed to drive innovation, collaboration, and sustained success in your business.

During this dynamic 9-month mastermind, you’ll explore cutting-edge mental performance strategies tailored to your objectives, finely tuned frameworks to optimize team dynamics, and master the art of effective communication essential for stepping into your leadership role with confidence. Dive deep into the intricacies of neuroplasticity, enhancing your decision-making power both personally and professionally.